Daniel Trento is in charge of the Open Innovation, Agtechs and Foodtechs agenda at the Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil.
He is a PhD Degree holder in Sustainable Development from the University of Brasília. Mr. Trento has completed his Master Degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He also holds Specializations in International Relations and Local Government Management from the University of Brazil and Ryukoku University, Japan, respectively.
Mr. Trento is a Researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). He has worked in multiple important capacities including Chief of the Secretariat for Innovation and Business; Innovation Manager and Supervisor of the Innovation and Business Coordination at Embrapa Headquarters.
Earlier, Mr. Trento has worked with Education and Research institutions and in international organisations. He had been the brain behind several innovation programs at Embrapa, such as Innovation Bridge (Public Sector Venture Capital), Coffee with Agtechs, InovaSIN, ILPF Conecta, and more.